
Prof. Ali A. Alraouf - Contribution in 52nd ISOCARP conf. Durban, South Africa 12 -16 Set. 2016. Doha Changing Urbanism.

A paradigm Shift from Resources Economy to Knowledge Economy: The Case of Urban Development in Qatar

The last 20 years of the 20th century, Gulf urbanity was mainly characterized by a commitment to use oil revenues to allow primitive, small and simple Gulf cities to rapidly transform into modern status. A process of massive transformation of the endless deserts into real estate mega projects coupled with qualitative upgrade of cities’ infrastructure to get them ready for a new modern condition. 
A focus on Doha as a leader in taking giant steps, amid the Middle Eastern cities, towards diversifying its economy, will be construct the core case study to examine the main hypothesis of the paper. The ability to analyze such an example can be of benefit to ongoing process of development in Gulf States. The paper will articulate a solid model to be followed by Gulf cities seeking a transformational change similar to Doha. A change from recourses and industrial economies to a creative and knowledge economy. A transformation which has been seen as inevitable change for Gulf cities in a rapidly approaching post carbon paradigm.

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